Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8897 fixed version 3.7.3 ejhonda

Very similar to ticket # 8870: I download v3.7.3, and start the installer. There's a pause, and then an error message pops up stating "You must be connected to the internet to complete your installation. Please connect and try again."

Of course I'm connected - I just browsed to the website and downloaded the client, demonstrating a working Internet connection, so I'm not sure what the issue could be. I've attached a screen shot as requested in ticket # 8870.

#12579 invalid version 3.56 minimum TLS version setting stuck at "2" Thomas Kite Sharpless
  1. 3.56.2 pulls 'Gnu TLS error -8: unsupported version" when connecting to a site whose highest active TLS version is 1.2. filezilla.xml has this:
3.56.0-rc1 (2021-09-29)

+ Right-clicking a queue tab header now opens the same context menu as right-clicking the correponding queue contents
+ By default, the minimum allowed TLS version is now TLS 1.2
+ Optionally, the systen trust store can be used for certificate verification
- FTP: Fixed an issue with key file conversion
- Fixed an issue loading servers not supporting session resumption from storage
		<Setting name="Window position and size">0 306 14 1402 924 </Setting>
		<Setting name="Minimum TLS Version">2</Setting>
		<Setting name="Trust system trust store">0</Setting>
		<Setting name="Greeting version">3.56.2</Setting>

The line for Minimum TLS Version is clearly in error -- surely this should be "1.2" not "2". Worse, when I make that change and run FileZilla, the number reverts to "2".

#12048 worksforme version 3.46.0 giving following error webtrainingroom

Error: Received certificate chain could not be verified. Verification status is 4096. Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted". Error: Could not connect to server

FileZilla Client / version 3.46.0 / on windows 7

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