Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2827 fixed Add "copy version info" button to About dialog takrl

I think it would help bug reporting if the "About" dialog box had a "copy version info" button which simply copied all relevant version information to the clipboard, to be pasted into a bug report. This could then even contain the OS and Version used, Compilation date etc. and not just the FileZilla version number in question. Basically, it could include any info you'd need for debugging that's accessible to you at runtime.

FZ Client Version used: on Windows XP Prof. SP2

#2853 fixed File Transfer Summary in Log When File Transfer Completes ffabbroc

I often download very large files and I would love to see a summary in the log of the download when it completes. For example:

"<filename> with size <size> download completed in <time> with average speed of <X> kbps."

Or something like that.


#2862 fixed x64 Windows Version Avi Vahl

I saw you already publish a 64-bits Linux version. I would be happy to see a native 64-bits FileZilla client working on my Vista x64... Please release such a version! I'm sure many people are waiting for it.

Thanks in advance, Avi Vahl.

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