Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#70 Queue Crash anonymous

If you mistakenly try to upload after a server timeout, the process is added to the queue but cannot be processed on reconnection, causing a block in the ability to transfer, the only way to fix is to exit and re-oprn then you are allowed to remove the process from the queue.

P.S. This is a very functional program. :-)

#71 Server misreading registry domain users steveglassman

The 0.3 Beta version of the FileZilla FTP server correctly adds domain users (users whose name is of the form domainname\username) to the NT registry. It does this by making the username a subkey of the domainname key. When reading this information back, however, the code only reads the domainname and interprets this as the full username.

I have fixed this (open source is wonderful) via the attached modifications to UsersDLG.h & cpp:

Thanks for the great server.

#72 / is not allowed in cwd command on VMS Tim Kosse anonymous


In version 1.8 the directory is always ending with a "/". That is not allowed on an OpenVMS system. On that system the directory is ending with a "]" (without quotes).

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.