Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#126 PWD on FileZilla Server anonymous

PWD works for PWD command, but not to XPWD command. When using ftp for DOS(win 9x) or for CMD (Win NT, 2K), the ftp client sends the XPWD command, that is not understood by FZ Server. I've used debug mode. Then I sent (by literal on this ftp for DOS) a PWD command and it works fine. I think that the same implementation for both comands works good.


#127 (1.9.7) reconnect-Feature Bug Alexander Schuch

I'm using FileZilla 1.9.7 with two simultanious running instances. First I connect to host1.tld then starting another FileZilla and connect to host2.tld. After a while FileZilla on host1.tld gets disconnected (timeout) so I hit the reconnect button. But now FileZilla tries to connect to host2.tld which is wrong. The password seems to be remembered correctly as it cannot connect properly to host2.tld as I get a login incorrect so I assume that FileZilla sends the other right password for host1.tld.

#128 Default local dir on first connection starless

I have FileZilla 1.9.7 configured to open the file manager window on startup; if I connect to a site - which has a local directory setting - immediately after opening FileZilla, e.g. by double-clicking on its name, the actual local directory in the left pane is the latest one I've used, and NOT the one which is instead in the settings for that FTP site.

Try this:

  • set up site with default local directory


  • set FileZilla so that the site manager is open on


  • connect to the site, and browse in the left local pane to

a C:\whatever folder;

  • close FileZilla, then reopen it;
  • connect to again;
  • you will see that the local directory is C:\whatever,

instead of C:\abc, which it should be;

  • disconnect from the site, then reconnect again;
  • you will now see the right local dir.
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