Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2763 rejected "Show last log file","Show log files folder" status bar menu edamusis

"Show last log file" or "Show log files folder" command in menu when user choose it on icon in status bar (if logging turned on). It is useful small feature.

#2764 duplicate "Show log files folder" button in settings window edamusis

Small feature "Show log files folder" button in settings window in Logging tab. Shortcut to log files.

#3548 "Target file already exist" error ratatosk76

Queued a whole bunch of files, basically to backup the entire site to harddisk.

Several occasions, I got the "Target file already exist" error as in the screenshot included.

I'm downloading /httpdocs/cn/divisions/seals/arrow/01arrow.htm

to c:\\httpdocs\cn\divisions\seals\arrow\01arrow.htm

And I get a pop-up that target file exists... but it's displays: Source file: /httpdocs/cn/divisions/seals/arrow01arrow.htm

There's a "/" missing in the Source file.

But when I choose the Overwrite action. The correct file is downloaded onto the harddisk.

This prompt shouldn't be popping up in the first place anyway, since this is a download to a fresh directory. There shouldn't be an existing file in the target location.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.