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Results (64 - 66 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#289 "Selected Files" recalculated after every transfer anonymous

Bear with me, my first ever bug report for any open source project. I looked through the bugs to see if its been posted, but didnt see it, so it may have been.

Problem I found was with large directories (1000+ files). This issue probably isnt present with small directories.

After selecting a large directory of about 2000 files, 20mb total and adding it to the queue, I began my transfer. I clicked my process queue button before clicking of the directory I had selected. At that point, FileZilla recalculated my 'selected files' after every file transfer. Each recalculation took about 10 seconds (which is another bug, FileZilla's EXTREMELY slow file size calculations). After about 3 file transfers it finally crashed. The second time around I made sure to click off the files, and everything transfered fine.

Filezilla also crashes when adding large groups of files to the queue. This particular case I had to add four batches of about 500 files at a time before processing. When trying to add all 2000 at once, the program crashed immediately.

FileZilla 2.1.5

Dave V dviorean@…

#5156 fixed "Selected files/folders" counts wrong when using Ctrl+Shift kornodon

When selecting multiple files or folders using Ctrl+Shift in the local or server file browser, the number of Selected files/folders is shown wrong. It seems that the real number of selected files is just added to the previously displayed number of selected files.

Example: Selected 3 files e.g. using Shift (FZ displays "Selected 3 files."). If you go on selecting 2 more files with Ctrl+Shift there are 5 files selected but FZ shows "Selected 8 files." (5 real + 3 form before). Go on selecting 2 more files, FZ shows "Selected 15 files." (7 real + 8 thought from before). And so on..

Version: 3.3.1

(Screenshot attached)

#2301 "Send QUIT on/to disconnect"-option rechteck

As you probably know FileZilla does not send a "QUIT" command to end a session upon clicking "Disconnect". I'd like a option to activate this.


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