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Results (64 - 66 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#64 missing files in CVS repository anonymous

Three weeks ago a revised version of asyncproxysocket.cpp was checked in. The source file now references CBase64coding.hpp, however that file is not in the repository.

Also, the project file includes a dependancy on source\msic\CBase64Coding.cpp. That file is currently missing from the repository.

The current FileZilla source snapshot does not build, please check in the missing files.

#65 Uploading after timeout Tim Kosse chrassig

When I have gotten disconnected from a server (because of a timeout or any other reason) and then tell FileZilla to upload a file it tells me that I got disconnected, but nevertheless it puts the file into the Queue with the status "Transferring". From this moment on uploading and downloading does not work at all, because the file I chose to upload is the top task of the queue, you can't delete it from the queue or reset its status, and it never starts (or even finishes) to upload. The only solution then is to restart FileZilla, the file remains in the queue, but you can reset or delete it then

#66 unc name not recognized anonymous

If my local directory is an unc name (eg
winserver\c$\temp) and a file is downloaded, the program thinks the unc name is a relative directory name and appends the unc name. So the local file is stored in
winserver\c$\temp\winserver\c$\temp\file.dat and not in

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