Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#61 Issues invalid PORT command Tim Kosse anonymous

After connecting to issues command PORT 192,168,1,33,6,238 This command is not understood by server and it's unable to retrieve the directoru listing.

(last number differs from time to time). is my IP (I am behind masquarading firewall that uses DHCP).

#62 OpenVMS file listing problem Tim Kosse anonymous

When you made a connection to a OpenVMS host you don't see the files in the remote site box. Host: OpenVMS 7.1 with UCX V4.2 - ECO 4 PC: Windows 95 4.00.950 B Filezilla: 1.6

#63 inconsistent reference to stdafx.h anonymous

Several of the source files include stdafx.h, unfortunately how the file is referenced is inconsistent and may cause build problems.

The project files in the repository do no cause the base source directory to be searched as an include directory.

Files in the misc directory have statements that say "#include <stdafx.h>" or "#include "stdafx.h"".

Either the project file should be changed to search the base source directory for include files, or the refernce should always be written as "#include "../stdafx.h".

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