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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#876 outdated website: server & client product and docs not differentiated antonrojo

The website at: does not make it clear to a new users that the client and server products are seperate which can lead to confusion for users who accidently download the wrong program. This is especially a problem for users who get the program from another source (such as xaamp) and visit the sourceforge or other sites looking for documentation to help them with the program. In addition, the documenation at does not specify whether it applies only to the client or server version, or to both.

Suggested changes: Currently the main page states "FileZilla is a fast and reliable FTP client and server with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface." Which would be clearer as:

"FileZilla-Client and FileZilla-Server are a fast and reliable FTP client and server with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface."

*The documentation should also be split into two version, or if there isn't seperate documentation for the Server version, links to tutorials would be helpful.

#7933 rejected website randy price

when i type my domain name in gos to my site i can see it but when someone else trys to visit it doesnt show

#12728 invalid we forgot our password for in filezilla principal, sri vivekananda degree college for women, kadapa

we forgot our password for in filezilla , please send the new password for our ftp login we have old details Webhosting : HOST : USER:svkdcw Pass:Vaisa1@ Port: 21

our email address is : srivivekanandadegreecollege@… ...

the above details are not working...please send as early as possible

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