Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#58 Progress Bar goes beyond 100% jawn

While uploading multiple files, I noticed the file upload progress bar often goes beyond 100%, to 101, 103 or 105%.

Could this be due to a rounding error?

#59 Transfering filenames w/ spaces Tim Kosse anonymous

I am trying to transfer files from a windows 2k pro platform to a unix system running proftp v1.2.1. The files that I am transfering contain spaces. The application does not seem to recognize this and does not quote or escape the spaces when the remote host (unix) assumes that a space is a inter-file seperator.

Ie. the file "this is a test" would look to unix as four files "this" "is" "a" "test". as a space is considered part of the IFS. To get around this the client needs to do some custome parsing if it finds the remote site is a unix host. (ie, escaping the spaces, or converting them (user definable?)).

#60 lower pane separator bug starless

If I activate the "Remember window size and position" option, and then maximize FileZilla's window, after quitting and restarting the program a couple of times the separator of the lower pane (the upper border of the queue view area) starts behaving on its own, and is always very high, on each program start, even though I move it down each time.

BTW, how is FileZilla development going on? I hope everything is well, I like the program very much, but there are a couple of quirks to be fixed, yet, like the fact that local file sizes are shown differently from remote ones.

...and happy new year!

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