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Results (553 - 555 of 8171)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7295 rejected Pre-Calculate "Queued Files" Count to prevent Changing Count Luke

Hi Guys,

This is a very low priority feature request / "is it possible?" ticket.

When I transfer a number of files/folders, specifically when downloading, the number of files queued changes frequently (as files are successfully downloaded and further files are discovered within folders).

Is there any chance, even as an option, to have FileZilla map out all the files & folders to be transferred (and setting the queue length to the complete number of files to be moved) prior to commencing the transfer?

This would mean that the count would be more reliable (so, as a user, I would see the count decreasing towards zero as the queued files are moved, rather than varying between X and zero as it works through each folder in turn).

As I said - very low priority, and if this option has previously been discarded for performance reasons, then that is fine, feel free to reject this ticket.

#4923 duplicate Remote Server to Remote Server Robert

I would really like to see a 'Remote Server to Remote Server' feature!


#9522 fixed Autoban does not work with IPv6 Johannes

I just tried a little bit with Hydra to brute force my logins. With IPv4, the autoban feature works: After 10 login attempts the IPv4 address is blocked. However, with IPv6, this feature does NOT work. FileZilla Server says the following in its logs: "421 Temporarily banned for too many failed login attempts" But it still processes new incoming connections!

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