Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (547 - 549 of 8171)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5473 fixed Ampersand (&) in site password creates invalid XML Tim Kosse James

I'm using FileZilla client 3.3.3 and when I use the ampersand (&) symbol in a password for a site it is stored in the XML file as '&' not '&amp;'. If I manually change it from '&' to '&amp;' then FileZilla is ok until I update the site or close and reopen FileZilla. Updating the site affects 'sitemanager.xml' and closing affects 'filezilla.xml' (<LastServer><Pass> tag), thus 'filezilla.xml' cannot be read and the default settings are used.

I've attached screen shots of the errors generated for each of these files.

#11532 rejected An intrusive warning about invalidity SSL Denis

When I try to upload files to the server, I see a warning about the invalidation of the SSL-certificate. Previously, this warning appeared once (when connected to the server). Now it appears constantly when uploading each file. Annoying incredibly ...

Do something about it, please. )))

#1581 An option to leave a desktop shortcut anonymous

I've tried tons (well, mb's)of ftp clients, I'm currently using 1.8 version, the one that has the slight refresh problem, Well to get to the point. I would think it great option to be able to have at the users request, a desktop shortcut for a particular ftp account, ie. ftp.netscape.??? on the desktop to auto open that site when clicked or, to open my personal domain directory. Thanks, Mercedes Lopez

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