Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2346 fixed Improve screen reader support in FZ Server Interface nickgaw

I was wanting to know if there is a way to get information by email when a new version of the filezilla server is released so I can keep up to date on this package. Also, I am totally blind and use a screen reader and have found that most of the server interface works good but in the settings dialogs when I errow to one of the settings to change it jumps me directly into that dialog and does not leave me on the tree view so I need to tab back to the treeview to change another setting if that is not the one I want to change. Can you please fix this problem? One good place to go to learn on how to make your software accessible to everyone is What compiler do you use to write filezilla?

#2354 fixed Support for SSH private/public key psmith2100

Currently no support for SSH with private/public key. Only supports password authentication.

#2361 fixed Connect IP address on windows caption urca

In Filezilla Server interface, report on windows title/caption the conneci IP. Example for local server, or remote IP for remote server. This for rember witch server are connect to admin interface.

Example, in my WAN I have 20 file zilla server installation for remote management and file transfer, and I frequently admin server from remote node or from node external to WAN.

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