Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (529 - 531 of 8171)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#583 Filezilla 2.2.4c and 2.2.4d doesn't start under NT 4.0 SP 6. Tim Kosse anonymous

Filezilla 2.2.4c and 2.2.4d doesn't start under Win NT 4.0 Sp 6a. Earlier versions started correctly. Changing preferences (and removing them from registry) can't help.

#625 Connection by TSL and freeze Tim Kosse anonymous

When I'm trying to connect to a server(by TLS), connection is stopped after authorization !!!

Connection LOG: Status: Connecting to blabla... Status: Connected with blabla, negotiating SSL connection... Response: 220---------- Witaj na Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-Jeste¶ 1 u|ytkownikiem z 5 mo|liwych Response: 220-Lokalny czas: 20:33. Port serwera: 21. Response: 220-To jest prywatny system - Bez anonimowych logowaD Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server Response: 220 Zostaniesz rozB±czony po 5 minutach nieaktywno¶ci. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Error: Timeout detected! Error: Unable to connect!

What I have to do ????

#653 PASV mode being used when it should not be Tim Kosse hyperdrink

In both Filezilla 2.2.6 and 2.2.7 (at least) Filezilla is attempting to send PASV mode command when it should not be. I have PASV turned off in firewall options AND I have "Use Active Mode" explicitly set in the site for Site Manager (I've tried to use default in site manager also.) This is causing me errors as the FTP server I am speaking to does not gracefully handle being asked to go to PASV. However, since there is no reasno for filezilla to be sending the PASV command it is clearly a bug.

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