Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (526 - 528 of 8171)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#442 Huge Bug: Creating DIRs Tim Kosse anonymous


There seems to be a huge Bug in 2.2 (or is it a bug in Windows?):

If I connect to a FileZilla Server 0.8.5 using FileZilla Client 2.2 I can create a directory on the server called "This is a testdir...". On the server the directory is now called "This is a testdir.." (with only two dots) and it cannot be renamed or deleted! You can't change into that directory with FileZilla Client and you also can't delete it using the client.

You now have an undeleteable directory on the server. Perfect for script kiddies.

Is there a bugfix/workaround for this behavior?

#461 installer doesn't install to All Users profile Tim Kosse rexdieter

When installing FileZilla-2.2.0 (on a WinXP box) it offers no capability to install for "All Users", and instead unconditionally installs Start menu items in the current users' start menu (whether they be an administrator or not).

FileZilla-2.1.7 had a similar bug. It installed to "All Users" but the permission of the files were set to be unreadable by anyone other than the user who installed them.

#582 Filezilla 2.2.4c doesn't run on Windows 98 Tim Kosse prandal

Installed 2.2.4c on two Win 98 boxes, and it fails to work on either. Double click the icon, disk whirs, then nothing... 2.2.4b works fine

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