Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (523 - 525 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#525 The clear command on the Quickconnect Button is not working chlue

It ist easy to delete the history manually by editing the FileZilla.xml file, but I think for security reasons (on a system used by multiple people) the button shoud working. I think it is easy to implement...

#526 Progress bar in queue list broken with large files robbage_techie

When downloading large files, the progress bar in the queue list does strange things. Eg, shows 100% when less than 1% downloaded; shows -15325918272% downloaded when approx half done.

File currently downloading is 733380608 bytes and the problem is evident. Colour is also changing from grey to highlight colour and back again.

#527 Remote interface uses local folders drwingnut

Using Filezilla Server 0.88 remote interface, attempting to add new folders for either users or groups brings up a list of folders on the local machine, rather than on the server.

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