Custom Query (8170 matches)


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Results (514 - 516 of 8170)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2983 Allow arbitrary location for sitemanager.xml jesdynf

I don't want to encrypt my home partition, but I do need to protect my cached passwords. I'd like to be able to install FileZilla normally but link to a TrueCrypt drive for the single file that merits that protection.

#2178 Allow blind parent directories dprez

One of the features of a unix permission system is that you can set the execute permission on a directory to allow a user to 'cd' through the directory without being able to read the directory. This means you have to know the path where you want to go. The advantage is that users (especially if they don't know our directory structure) are unable to 'browse' through our directory tree.

Most FTP clients I have used allow for this feature by allowing us to set up a site profile for a user that takes them directly to the directory they need to access. They are either unable to 'cd' up (..) to the parent directory, or if they are able, once there they see nothing.

When I try to access one of these directories using FileZilla, even though it is able to read the directory I want, it fails because it can't read the parent directory. In fact, it appears to need read access for the parent directories all the way to '/'.

I would like to be able to see a remote directory which I have access to even if I do not have read access to the directories above it.

An example on our system is the directory /datatel/live/collive/_HOLD_. The directory permissions are:

drwxr-xr-x / drwxrwx--x /datatel drwxrwx--x /datatel/live drwxrwx--x /datatel/live/collive drwxrwxr-x /datatel/live/collive/_HOLD_

Users should be able to retrive files from the _HOLD_ directory, but should not be able to get a directory listing from any level above that.



#2179 Allow blind parent directories dprez

One of the features of a unix permission system is that you can set the execute permission on a directory to allow a user to 'cd' through the directory without being able to read the directory. This means you have to know the path where you want to go. The advantage is that users (especially if they don't know our directory structure) are unable to 'browse' through our directory tree.

Most FTP clients I have used allow for this feature by allowing us to set up a site profile for a user that takes them directly to the directory they need to access. They are either unable to 'cd' up (..) to the parent directory, or if they are able, once there they see nothing.

When I try to access one of these directories using FileZilla, even though it is able to read the directory I want, it fails because it can't read the parent directory. In fact, it appears to need read access for the parent directories all the way to '/'.

I would like to be able to see a remote directory which I have access to even if I do not have read access to the directories above it.

An example on our system is the directory /datatel/live/collive/_HOLD_. The directory permissions are:

drwxr-xr-x / drwxrwx--x /datatel drwxrwx--x /datatel/live drwxrwx--x /datatel/live/collive drwxrwxr-x /datatel/live/collive/_HOLD_

Users should be able to retrive files from the _HOLD_ directory, but should not be able to get a directory listing from any level above that.



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