Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (508 - 510 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#510 Directory Listing from symbolic link fails kikidonk

Hi ! First of all nic app! keep it on !

Well I've a problem with a specific server. It is a SFTP server (i don't know if it has anything to do ..). When i log in, i am in this directory:


In this directory, there is a symbolic link (that represent a folder) pointing to


The problem is that when i double click on this link, Filezilla appears to resole the link, but when LISTing it shows the files in /students/home/zoner/rslinckx/ and not the files in the gr1216/ folder...

It is the same thing if I enter directly /students/share/gr1216 as adress in the adressbar, then it shows nothing when LISTing...

Here is the log (this shows the correct listing in the window): Connecting to ... Status: Connected with, initializing SFTP connection... Command: CONNECT rslinckx@…:45001 Response: Remote working directory is /students/home/zoner/rslinckx Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: Remote directory is /students/home/zoner/rslinckx Command: LIST Response: Sucessfully received 34 items (..) Trace: drwxr-s--- 3 rslinckx student 512 Mar 7

9:43 JPadPro/

Trace: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 22 Sep 19 12:19 gr1216 -> /students/share/gr1216 Trace: drwxr-xr-x 9 rslinckx student 512 Oct 3

8:57 jedit/

Trace: drwx------ 2 rslinckx student 512 Nov 7 10:06 mail/ (...) Status: Directory listing successful

Then I double click on the gr1216/ symbolic link, but the same listing is returned...

Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CD gr1216 Response: Remote working directory is now /students/share/gr1216 Command: LIST Response: Sucessfully received 34 items (...) Trace: drwxr-s--- 3 rslinckx student 512 Mar 7

9:43 JPadPro/

Trace: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 22 Sep 19 12:19 gr1216 -> /students/share/gr1216 Trace: drwxr-xr-x 9 rslinckx student 512 Oct 3

8:57 jedit/

Trace: drwx------ 2 rslinckx student 512 Nov 7 10:06 mail/ (...) Status: Directory listing successful

And this happens everytime i click on that link...

If i enter directly the correct adress in the adressbar it returns me exactly the same thing...

Any hint ? (if you need to test some things on the server, contact me by mail, because this is a ssh and i can't give out the password of course :) )

#511 OpenSSH_3.7.1p2 - FZ2.2.1b don't work together? webwarrior

Some production servers just upgraded to that version of SSH and now FileZilla 2.2.1b can no longer upload files.

I use SFTP from the command line and I am able to upload files.

What is causing this problem?


#512 keep the maximized state after closing marvinmouse

when i open a filezilla session and maximize it, and then close it. Next time I open a session, it should remember this state and become maximized. This is a standard GUI convention

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