Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3532 will not accept @ for ssh login beardww

open "login@…" 22 Error: Network error: Software caused connection abort Error: Could not connect to server

I believe the program needs to parse for multiple @ symbols.

#1483 wildcards in command line anonymous

Make the command line mode more powerfull by allowing wildcards in uploaded/downloaded filenames.

exemple :

C:\Program Files\FileZilla>filezilla -d ftp://user:pass@site /pub/*" c:\download

for downloading all files from "pub" to the download directory.

thanks !


#5110 rejected wildcard SSL certificates * not properly supported Pierre Grandmaison


1) We have a rapidSSL wildcard SSL certificate such as * and when I connect to, filezilla still gives me the warning, even though it is a valid SSL certificate which is recognized without warning by both firefox and internet explorer over regular https.

Once we accept the certificate once, we never have the issue again (as long as we select to save our answer so it doesn't ask again)

however, it would be nice if filezilla could authenticate wildcard certs similar to what IE and firefox do over regular https for wildcard certs.

2) There is no way to see the downloaded SSL certificates so that you can review the list / clear it if necessary to force an full SSL cert check again at the next connection. (If there is a way, I couldn't find it).

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