Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (499 - 501 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#501 Can not get home dir! atlantisal

I am getting the error Can not get home dir! on FileZilla's latest server release. I found a reference to it in your bug reports from June of 2002, but the only replies were from November 2003...Has this ever been fixed? Or has it been re-introduced?

#502 Last directory listing size / queued files size mix-up anonymous

When queuing files from a (remote) directory tree, the directory listing size (as shown by trf status during directory listing download) for the last scanned directory (usually the topmost one as it scans bottom-up, last-to-first) will be used as the initial/minimum trf size of subsequent file transfers, often for all queued files. With initial/minimum trf size I mean what is downloaded (according to status row below file in queue list window) before the graphical progress bar shows up - and at that point the transfer quickly completes (for large files rather speed increases considarably).

The result is that the file transfers for many small files take way too long time, e.g. a listing size may be 30KB, and the directory containing lots of small 1-10KB files, in case of which transfer time takes 10 times too long. Important: the stored files' sizes seem to get correct!

I have changed most options with no difference. I don't yet know if this problem only occurs in the present configuration: Remote sys: VAX Filezilla sys: NT4

Cheers! /Vayenn

#503 ASSERT failure reconnecting when current connect hung puddle

cvs trunk (pulled within past hour)

Connect to remote site (, via connection manager, using default mode.

It connects and executes ls command, and hangs (because it isn't using passive mode, I think).

Open up connection manager, alter it to use passive mode for this site, and hit connect button. Answer Yes to prompt for break current connection.

I get an ASSERT failure (UNICODE debug build) in source\MainThread.cpp, line 178, which is inside of CMainThread::OnThreadMessage.

lines 177-178:



I speculate that the problem is that it was still trying to break the current connection. This doesn't reproduce if I do the same test with passive mode the whole time, but also it doesn't hang in that case.

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