Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (496 - 498 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9298 rejected Password dosen't work to connect Judith Costa

Cannot connect to site. Dosen't recognize password even though I know what I am using should be correct.

#10793 rejected FTP server is vulnerable to an FTP server bounce attack JuergenHamel

The FTP server accepts the PORT command and produces the following output "200 Port command successful" although the server does not execute the command. Command output should not be produced in that case.

This is a Nessus finding.

Nessus description: Port: ftp (21/tcp) Issue name: FTP Privileged Port Bounce Scan

Synopsis: The remote FTP server is vulnerable to a FTP server bounce attack.

Description: It is possible to force the remote FTP server to connect to third parties using the PORT command. The problem allows intruders to use your network resources to scan other hosts, making them think the attack comes from your network.

Solution: See the CERT advisory in the references for solutions and workarounds.

Plugin Output: The following command, telling the server to connect to on port 10794: PORT 169,254,176,115,42,42 produced the following output: 200 Port command successful

Nessus Plugin ID: 10081 VulnDB ID: 215

#11446 worksforme Error when starting FileZilla J3ss

hey all,

I keep getting this error when I launch my app, Ive tried deleting everything to do with FZ but still get this error.

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