Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (496 - 498 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#498 binary/ascii option ignored anonymous

version 2.21a

uploading a file from windows xp to freebsd, the binary/ascii setting is ignored. even forcing ACSII mode doesn't work. it always uploads in binary.

#499 Filezilla 2.2.1a crazy in chroot Environment anonymous

I use filezilla to connect sftp to my openssh server. Openssh is compiled with chroot for users only can to do sftp on their homes. With another sftp clients works fine, but with filezilla when user is logon into his home and i change to another folder (eg: /home/user/htdocs), then i copy files (eg: file.txt) from my hd to this folder with filezilla interface. It put this file on upper folder(eg: /home/user) and it change the name of the file to this name: "/home/user/htdocsfile".

Any idea ?


#500 VAX compatibility anonymous


We have an ancient VAX cluster that still operates some vital equipment. Data is retrieved via FTP. The VAX runs a very ancient FTP program that does not support many modern features like passive mode. To date, it remains the only machine with which Filezilla will not work. Filezilla manages to log on to the machine, but fails to get the directory listing. The VAX returns an error.

Is this a bug in Filezilla? Or do I have to make some changes to the program? I have tried many things in settings, but no combination has been successful.

I am running version 2.2.1a.



PS Both the client and server are fabulous programs. I love them both. PM

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