Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (484 - 486 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8256 fixed Remote search by modified date and time Adam Waller

Feature Request

It would be really wonderful to search for remote files based on the modified date and time. As a case in point, I uploaded an entire project, then change a few files on the same day. Now, a month later, it is really difficult to find these few files that were modified a few hours after the initial upload.

I can currently use remote file search to find files by the modified date, but this does not seem to take into account the modified time.

From a programming perspective, I don't think this would be very difficult to implement... It already accepts a date and time, so we just need to extend the comparison to look at the time as well as the date.

Thanks in advance for your consideration!!!

  • Adam

A happy FileZilla user

#8268 fixed filezilla.svg not included in the source tarball Tommy Wu

src/interface/resources/filezilla.svg not included in the source tarball for 3.6.0-beta1

#8272 fixed FileZilla wxWidgets 2.9 support Tautvydas Andrikys

I have created patch to support wxWidgets 2.9, tested it on Windows 7 Visual Studio build and Kubuntu Linux wxGtk build.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.