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Results (481 - 483 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4407 rejected After successfull connection attempt the server fails to send the list of files Martin

First, the problem does seem to occur randomly, but often since the version 0.9.26 or so. I'm using the version 0.9.31. The server gets the connection attempt by the client, seems to reply correctly, until the client requests the filelist. The client never receives the list, and a timeout is the consequence.

Heres a short log of a client who encountered the problem:

answer: 150 Connection accepted answer: 226 Transfer OK command: MDTM fenster.png error: connection timed out error: directory could not be received

On my side (the server): (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - (not logged in) (> Connected, sending welcome message... (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - (not logged in) (> USER Armin (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for armin (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - (not logged in) (> PASS * (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> 230 Logged on (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> SYST (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> FEAT (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> 211-Features: (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> MDTM (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> REST STREAM (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> SIZE (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> MODE Z (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> MLST type*;size*;modify*; (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> MLSD (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> UTF8 (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> CLNT (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> MFMT (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> 211 End (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> PWD (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> 257 "/" is current directory. (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> TYPE I (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:42 - armin (> 200 Type set to I (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:43 - armin (> PASV (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:43 - armin (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,2,9,96) (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:43 - armin (> LIST (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:43 - armin (> 150 Connection accepted (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:43 - armin (> 226 Transfer OK (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:43 - armin (> MDTM fenster.png (000001) 24.03.2009 17:17:43 - armin (> 213 20090321171339 (000002) 24.03.2009 17:18:09 - (not logged in) (> Connected, sending welcome message...

[Now the person tried again, but the result was the same...]

The problem doesn't occur every time, and it doesn't seem to be about specific files, as the files change, with which the problem happens. It also doesn't seem to be related to specific FTP clients, as we tried it with several, including the FileZilla Client. Sometimes it works quite well, so I suppose it has nothing to do with my personal firewall on my computer, or the NAT/firewall of my router (port 21 TCP is configured, and as I said, sometimes it works really well). In earlier versions this problem never occured, but I don't know the exact version with which I the issue began.

#10485 fixed After update to 3.11 only one directory is not listen Walter Goeth

Using a ftp server for long time, after update to 3.11 they show all directory except one ????

Thank's for help walter

#11592 duplicate After updating Win 10 Pro to build 1803 on 1 May Cannot Drag&Drop snapshots Kirk A. Hall, Jr.

After updating Win 10 Pro to version 1803 on 1 May I can no longer Drag&Drop snapshots out of FileZilla to a file on my desktop. I am using FileZilla 3.32.0. I get this message when I attempt to Drag&Drop "Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn’t drop the files into an Explorer window."

I downloaded 3.32.0 to a laptop which uses an earlier version of Win 10 and the Drag&Drop function worked perfectly. I suspect a mismatch between the latest version of Win 10 and FileZilla.

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