Custom Query (8170 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 8170)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7873 outdated "GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received." + "no shared cipher" rudiganteng kempi29

GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received.

in new version 3.5.3 win client, old version 3.5.2 works just fine. Server UNIX.

#11232 rejected "LAN-only" mode, please FileZillonian

I'd like a one-click option to configure FileZilla to only serve files to my LAN, please. I think this would greatly simplify setup and probably avoid many of the issues I end up messing around with every time I put FileZilla on a new machine. At a minimum, I'd really like a way to disable this warning, please:

"You appear to be behind a NAT router. Please configure the passive mode settings and forward a range of ports in your router."

I've found that FTP is generally the most pain-free way to move things around between different devices without being a networking expert.

#11290 worksforme "Last modified" column date format jongrantuk


I noticed the "Last modified" column format is not clear, eg 05/06/2017 could it be changed to be something clearer, like "2017-05-06" or "5 May 2017" style?

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