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Results (475 - 477 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#477 installer doean't provide description for "debug files" manosp

The bug is present in version 2.2.1. I have not tried the latest alpha release, 2.2.1a.

OK, this is really small bug and should be easy to fix. Does not affect the functionality.

In the installer screen, at the point where the user selects the modules to install, the last module is the "debug files" module, but it does not have a description. As a sidenote, the additional language files description could be slightly expanded, to make it more descriptive, explaining for example which languages exist. These are minor improvements which take less than 5 minutes to implement in the installer, but this is what the end user sees when first downloads the program and goes through the installation, and make the best impression.

Overall I find filezilla at least as good if not better than commercial products e.g. cute ftp. Keep up the good work guys!

Manos Papantoniou

#478 FZ server/service chokes if account <> local system anonymous

An attempt to have the FZ server service run under a user other than local system causes the service to fail on startup (and remain unstartable/unstoppable as a service).

Steps to reproduce: a) create a local user, say "ftp" b) change that user's group to "guest". c) set FZ server login credentials to user=ftp d) try to (re)start the service.

Result: the service is hung and does not respond to attempts to start or stop it. It cannot be killed, and cannot be connected to by the FZ server interface.

#479 FZ server/service chokes if account <> local system anonymous

An attempt to have the FZ server service run under a user other than local system causes the service to fail on startup (and remain unstartable/unstoppable as a service).

Steps to reproduce: a) create a local user, say "ftp" b) change that user's group to "guest". c) set FZ server login credentials to user=ftp d) try to (re)start the service.

Result: the service is hung and does not respond to attempts to start or stop it. It cannot be killed, and cannot be connected to by the FZ server interface.

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