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Results (472 - 474 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11939 duplicate Increase Maximum Simultaneous Transfers >10+ pboeyke1

Pls remove FileZilla Max file Transfer restrictions "Increasing Maximum Simultaneous Transfers" setting allowing users to increase beyond 10 sessions limit. (like increase to 20, 50...)

Modern SFTP server&client implementations, modern Compute,Storage and Network infrastructure can easily handle upto 1000+ concurrent SFTP sessions, so no need limiting client-side connections to 10.

Whilst this limitation makes perfect sense from historical point of view it no longer is applicable for most modern, 21st century IT platforms.

#11938 rejected Number of files in directory wrong Marcel

When browsing the directory inside a Wordpress installation /wp-content/uploads It shows me 9998 files... When scrolling down its stops at about S... so there is more files but the filezilla client does not show more then 10'000 files would be my assumption.

#11937 worksforme Can't install latest version 3.41.2 peter hudson

I'm on version 3.41.2. I can't report a bug without upgrading to 3.42.1. When I upgrade it wants me to load 3rd party virus protection software. My company doesn't allow that, so I cancel out of it and it doesn't install the software. So I can't report the bug. Which is by the way, Filezila runs at system startup and I don't want it to. And I can't find it in the startup files. My only option at this point is to uninstall it, and install it when I want to run it. Pretty lame stuff.

Thanks, Peter

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