Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (463 - 465 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#349 Address incorrectly identified Ver 2.17 links2learning

I copy and paste tStellaDemoInst.exe into the ADDRESS input box. FILEZILLA looks for tStellaDemoInst.exe/ thinking the last part is a folder not a file. A connection is made but an error message folder not found is reported. Now it would be great if the common extensions where recognised. eg. doc, zip, html, exe,....

Or have I missed something?

#1077 Admin interface cannot connect to a remote server ik13

Just as the summary says.

Local network, FZS running on one machine, Admin interface launched from another can't access it. With or without password. No firewall etc. While looking with netstat (I know, I know, but this is the only thing I have here) I can't see it making a connection.

Also when launching the server interface and pointing to the local machine ( the wordage on the dialog box suggests that you have to type the password only if you're connecting to a remote server. Which is not true. The password needs to be typed for local connection too.

#926 outdated Admin password ghostvoodooman


FileZilla server doesn't ask for admin password for administration interface when connecting from local machine. I want to run FileZilla server on Terminal Server, so everyone could admin the server without password supplied.

Regards, VooDooMan

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