Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (463 - 465 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#465 Filezilla tries to resume file instead of retransfer sebastl

This occures sometimes. I've reported this earlier as 786803, but now I've seen that also in the latest version and I saw what happened. Filezilla tried to resume the file with start = filesize instead of asking me what I want to do. I've attached a debug-log.

Hope this helps.

#466 item not transalated in pref panel anonymous

the panel layout option in the pref is blank in the tree and is not translated in french

see the image

#467 corrupted xml file anonymous
  1. Started filezilla v2.1.8 when the hard-disk was full.
  2. Got a message "hard disk full"
  3. Cleaned some disk space
  4. Repeatedly getting the following message at startup:


Error, can't parse 'FileZilla.xml', the file may be corrupt. For this session, the registry will be used to store the settings.


  1. All config data was clear . FileZilla.xml is of size
  2. Even after adding new configuration.
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