Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (463 - 465 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3845 outdated Connecting to z/OS 1.9: cannot change directory from client Fredrik Gustafson

When connecting to an FTP server running on z/OS, I cannot change directory using Filezilla. Running Cygwin's FTP-client, it works fine.

Log from Cygwin's FTP-client:

Connected to
220-FTPSRVB1 IBM FTP CS V1R9 at, 10:45:18 on 2008-10-06.
220-*********************** Mon Oct  6 10:45:18 2008 ***********************
220-***                                                                  ***
220-***           Võlkommen till EDB Business Partner Sweden AB          ***
220-***                                                                  ***
220-***                         System: XX99                             ***
220-***                                                                  ***
220-***                           z/OS 1.9                               ***
220-***                                                                  ***
220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.
User ( extmfr
331 Send password please.
230 XXXMFR is logged on.  Working directory is "XXXMFR.".
ftp> cd ..
250 "" is the working directory name prefix.
ftp> cd p079i
250 "P079I." is the working directory name prefix.

<END of log from Cygwin's FTP-client>

However, trying to do the same in Filezilla, the log is as follows:

Status:	Resolving address of
Status:	Connecting to
Status:	Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response:	220-FTPSRVB1 IBM FTP CS V1R9 at, 10:45:00 on 2008-10-06.
Response:	220-*********************** Mon Oct  6 10:45:00 2008 ***********************
Response:	220-***                                                                  ***
Status:	Invalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8.
Response:	220-***           Välkommen till EDB Business Partner Sweden AB          ***
Response:	220-***                                                                  ***
Response:	220-***                         System: XX99                             ***
Response:	220-***                                                                  ***
Response:	220-***                           z/OS 1.9                               ***
Response:	220-***                                                                  ***
Response:	220-************************************************************************
Response:	220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.
Command:	USER xxxmfr
Response:	331 Send password please.
Command:	PASS ********
Response:	230 XXXMFR is logged on.  Working directory is "XXXMFR.".
Status:	Connected
Status:	Retrieving directory listing...
Command:	PWD
Response:	257 "'XXXMFR.'" is working directory.
Status:	Directory listing successful
Status:	Retrieving directory listing...
Command:	CDUP
Response:	250 "" is the working directory name prefix.
Command:	PWD
Response:	257 "''" is working directory.
Error:	Failed to retrieve directory listing
Error:	Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted

<END of log from Filezilla>

I have tried changing the settings, using various combinations of UTF-8, passive and active mode, etc, but nothing changes the outcome.

Regards Fredrik Gustafson

#5220 rejected Cannot access Folder with French access on Mac FileZilla version Ghislain Leduc

I have 2 computers a MacBook Pro running FileZilla 3.3.2 and a PC running FileZilla 3.3.2. On the same FTP server, I have a folder called "Denis à Ghislain". On the Mac version, when I will not see the folder but on my PC version I do. I renamed the folder Denis_Ghislain and now I can see it on my Mac version but I would like this to be fixed.

Thank you so much in advance!

#3196 Apple Mouse scroll wheel causes app failure ttsquare75

Scroll wheel on mouse causes FileZilla to fail and close during session. Probably due to side-to-side motion rather than up and down scrolling.

Mac OSX 10.4.10 dual processor intel dual core chipset Mac Pro

FileZilla 3.0.0-rc1 Build 5250

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