Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (460 - 462 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#821 Additional Name for January heli_12axing

In Austria (Lang de_AT) is the January named "Jänner" or in short form "Jän" Please insert this in the month table, because the files and directories created in january are not shown in the filelist.

Regards Helmut

#3729 outdated Additional interface layout chriss

I would like to see another filelist view. Just like FlashFxp.

The normal Filelist (classic) without the directory tree. local left / remote right.

and at the bottem the file queue left (or right) and the message log also on the bottom (next to the queue) right (or left).

#9834 worksforme Address bar for FTP/SFTP/FTPES links Andrew Pennebaker

I often want to connect to an FTPES service, and FileZilla is proving cumbersome to do so--QuickConnect seems to default to FTP (unsecured), and the standard FileZilla interface for creating new, remembered connections has many fields to enter one at a time. Wouldn't it be great if users could just paste in FTP/SFTP/FTPES links into a sort of address bar, as we do all the time in Web browsers?

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