Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (460 - 462 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#426 pwd during idle changes directory anonymous

I noticed that during idle time - to stop server from disconnecting you use "pwd" with no params command. on my ftp server it changes to a different directory spec(at)webtech(dot)pl

#12895 invalid purchase of Filezilla enterprise version sardtnj

we need FTP server with more secured and various user level permissions, we require a below options.

  1. SSL certificate should work
  2. encrypted transmission
  3. Read and write permissions are available in your server, but we need to restrict the user to modify, rename, delete and overwrite the files
  4. different parent folder for each users.
  5. will it works on Linux - it is not mandatory
  6. any limitations for daily uploads / download- clarify.

If the above options are available with FileZilla enterprise, we are okay to purchase it. Do you have the trial version for the enterprise server?

#274 pumps up users directories anonymous

Strange effect appears when setting up user's accessible directories. One dir e.g. F:/UPLOAD is shown twice or even more. And it grows with the time...

Send further questions to penzgnu@…

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