Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (457 - 459 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#459 Toolbar buttons become bigger Scott M. Sanders

After a while (?), the Toolbar buttons become bigger, but the Toolbar's size remains the same, so the buttons are visually cut off at their bottoms.

It has happened to me numerous times.

I will attach a screenshot later when it happens again. Unfortunately, I don't know how to reproduce it manually.

#460 Crash when Port 21 is not available anonymous

Hi, I just realized that FileZilla Server 0.8.7 is crashing, when the used port is in use by another application. Its not a big prob, because that should not be the case in production env, but anyhow ... it looks ugly :) Regards Daniel

#461 installer doesn't install to All Users profile Tim Kosse rexdieter

When installing FileZilla-2.2.0 (on a WinXP box) it offers no capability to install for "All Users", and instead unconditionally installs Start menu items in the current users' start menu (whether they be an administrator or not).

FileZilla-2.1.7 had a similar bug. It installed to "All Users" but the permission of the files were set to be unreadable by anyone other than the user who installed them.

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