Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (454 - 456 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2851 QuickConnect also for listed servers tuxman666

I'm missing a feature to connect to servers from my "normal" server list (with all their options) without having to call the Server Manager again and again. I do know the "Reconnect" command, but I'm switching between multiple servers quite often.

#3620 RC2 crashed... Alexander Schuch tuxman666


I experienced a crash with 3.1.0 RC2 yesterday, the reported address was 0x00143b91.

It just crashed during an FTP transaction without any further interaction... I dunno if it is fixed yet, as I can't reproduce it...

#4001 fixed directory upload problems mvug

I have a problem with the newest release of Filezilla client

When i try to upload a directory (fckeditor) to my webhost (, it only uploads the files and NOT the directories... I now use an older version 3.1.4rc-1 and this version uploads the complete directorystucture...

Hope this will be fixed soon in the new version! thanks!

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