Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (448 - 450 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2559 outdated Add/fix logical mapped drive support aesix

When using mapped drives in Windows Server as home directories, unable to access via FTP client.

server\share domain resident mapped drives used as ftp directories fail to be accessable in both writing and reading functions. First errors were permission violations. Tested this configuration with multiple mapped drives with up to domain administrator credentials. Once the permissions violations were resolved, FileZilla began giving internal error messages.

Drives hard-mounted to the same machine as the FileZilla server lives work perfectly.

Thanks guys

#3319 Added ASCII filetype not used until restart tassan

When adding a new file type to the Automatic Detect of ASCII transfer mode. It is not detected until you close and open the program.

#1531 Added file exist actions Tim Kosse paolozambotti


I've added a couple of options that I find sometime useful to the file exist actions. The new options are:

  • overwrite if size is different
  • overwrite if size is different or source is newer

I also made some changes around the code in order to allow future new option easy to add; I changed all (all the ones I found) refernces to fie exist actions as integer in actions as "enum CFileExistsNotification::OverwriteAction"

I tested the changes compiling the code under mingw, they seem to work fine.

Cheers, Paolo.

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