Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3955 outdated windows Installer - upgrade leaves old 'FileZilla Server Interface.exe' Jerry

I did a upgrade from 0.9.25 to 0.9.27, and it doesn't upgrade 'FileZilla Server Interface.exe' Though if you delete the file before the upgrade it will work then.

OS is XP SP3, clean install.

#5114 rejected windows 'blue' error when i send 2 files at the same time jackingjack

hello i've got a problem with filezilla and it hasn't been corrected with the last release. my problem is: when i send more than one file on my 'freebox' (wich is a multimedia box gaved by my internet provider 'free' in france) make me a windows blue error with memory cache copy on the hardisk. I didn't have that problem before with vista but it have appeared with my new operating system windows 7 v7100. my computer is a vaio vgn-fw11M

#2428 window position movement Alexander Schuch doctor_who

For ANY correction or patch to FileZilla at ANY time!

For users like me, who like to download files from FTP sites, it would be nice if I, and other users of FileZilla could change the window positions, instead of "side by side", the local and remote windows could be "one atop the other", if THAT were done, we could, for instance, use MUCH longer PathNames for the Local and Remote Directory Trees, too, ok?

Give the user the ABILITY to put the remote window ABOVE the local window, or vice versa, make it a configuration choice in the "settings", IE, the user would have 4 choices,

"left local and right remote", "left remote and right local", "bottom local and top remote", "bottom remote and top local".

Please also make this a setting that could

be "permanent", retained in the "XML file" with other permanent settings, so, anytime I need to change it, I can, then it will be that way next I run this program.


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