Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#94 Uploaded File Dates Still Don't Refresh anonymous

Upon uploading files, the remote file list still does not refresh properly. The remote file displays ????? instead of the date. Obviously, this results in Date/Time file sorting problems.

#95 Remote List Refresh Prob. Part 2 anonymous

I forgot to mention that part of the original bug was indeed fixed, in that if you perform a manual refresh of the remote file list window, the dates then display, and are displayed with the correct dates. Thanks Tim!

#96 Another sort by date problem starless

The local and remote file lists behave differently regarding sort by date: when sorting by date in ascending order, the local list shows folders FIRST, while the remote one shows folders at the bottom. The opposite happens if you sort by date in descending order.

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