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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2821 Add the support os AS400 (aka i5 iSeries) platform olivierde


I saw that my previous feature request was closed because you lacked some information about the AS400 platform and the way the FTP was working with it. Well, as a start this is what I suggest what you could do to add this support . Add the following two commands when the AS400 platform os selected :

quote site namefmt 1 : this command is going to tell to the remote AS400 FTP server to put himself in a regular unix standard naming schema.

quote site listfmt 1 : this command is going to tell the remote AS400 FTP server to display the list (when you do the ls command) of its file like a unix machine.

Those 2 commands should be executed as soon as we are logged on the AS400 FTP server. This would be a very simple starting point which is going to give FileZilla software access to the AS400 server whatever the as400 file system is used. After that the support could be improved if fileZilla let the user to enter personalize d commands ( such as the above one). For your information the AS400 QSYS file system when you use its normal naming convention as a limited depth and does not go deeper than the following :


the above format is what the path is going to be if you run the "quote site namefmt 1" and "quote site listfmt 1" commands. the library_name, file_name and membr_name are no more than 10 characters long. in the previous path what you have in uppercase it is some constants that never change. So when you do a put in that file system you must write something like this :

put file_name.txt EXAMPLE.FILE/EXAMPLE.MBR

It can also be defaulted to

put file_name.txt EXAMPLE.FILE

In this case the member name (MBR part) will be EXAMPLE.MBR.

Anyway, you will find below some FTP session example :

230 xxxx logged on. Remote system type is . ftp> quote site namefmt 1 250 Now using naming format "1". ftp> quote site listfmt 1 250 Directory listing format (LISTFMT) option set to 1. ftp> pwd 257 "/QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB" is current library. ftp> ls 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 125 List started. d------r-x 1 QPGMR 0 114688 May 09 2007 QAAPFILE#.FILE d------r-x 1 QPGMR 0 139264 May 09 2007 QAAPFILE@.FILE drwx---r-x 1 QSYS 0 45056 May 09 2007 QAFCGRPH.FILE drwx---r-x 1 QSYS 0 36864 May 09 2007 QAFCPFDDTA.FILE drwx---r-x 1 QSYS 0 36864 May 09 2007 QAFCTUTDBF.FILE drwx---r-x 1 QSYS 0 151552 May 09 2007 QAFCTUTOR.FILE drwx---r-x 1 QSYS 0 307200 May 09 2007 QAFCTUTPFD.FILE ftp> cd QUSRSYS 501 Unknown extension in database file name. ftp> cd QUSRSYS.LIB 250 "/QSYS.LIB/QUSRSYS.LIB" is current library.

ftp> put test.txt example.file local: test.txt remote: example.file 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 150 Sending file to member EXAMPLE in file EXAMPLE in library QGPL. 226 File transfer completed successfully. 9 bytes sent in 0.00 secs (97.7 kB/s) ftp> ftp> put test.txt example3.file/test1.mbr local: test.txt remote: example3.file/test1.mbr 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 150 Sending file to member TEST1 in file EXAMPLE3 in library QGPL. 226 File transfer completed successfully. 9 bytes sent in 0.00 secs (94.5 kB/s) ftp> ftp> ls ex*.file 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 125 List started. -rwx---rwx 1 CGI_OD 0 9 Dec 25 01:21 EXAMPLE.MBR -rwx---rwx 1 CGI_OD 0 9 Dec 25 01:10 TEST.MBR -rwx---rwx 1 CGI_OD 0 9 Dec 25 01:22 TEST1.MBR 250 List completed. ftp> ls

drwx---rwx 1 CGI_OD 0 36864 Dec 25 01:01 EXAMPLE.FILE drwx---rwx 1 CGI_OD 0 36864 Dec 25 01:10 EXAMPLE2.FILE drwx---rwx 1 CGI_OD 0 36864 Dec 25 01:22 EXAMPLE3.FILE

There is only 2 extensions at the object level supported by the AS400 QSYS filesystem : .FILE and .SAVF. For the latter one, only binary transfer is valid

Some additionnal information can be found in the following IBM book : at the chapter 6. another IBM book about FTP on the AS400can be found here :

There is also this link but you must dig a little bit :,295582,sid3_gci1049532,00.html

Hope this help

I can see that FileZilla support the MVS platform. It would be nice if you could add the support of the AS400 platform in particular the QSYS filesystem.

For your information the AS400 is like the MVS platform a proprietary IBM platform with a specific OS called i5/OS (formerly OS400).



#8191 outdated Add to toolbar: delete queue, new folder Fred Sigworth

The commands I need most often are "delete all files in the queue" and "new folder". I have discovered that by right-clicking I can get both of these options, but as you undoubtedly know from the many help requests, beginning users do not know about the right-clicking. Please add these two important items to your toolbar. They are more commonly needed than any of the other toolbar items.

#1504 Add two more commandline arguments to FAQ doc Tim Kosse elsapo

Add to this page

the following commandline arguments, which have been available in filezilla for a couple of years, since the developer kindly accepted my patches to add them for automated use (in 2004 I think).

Add the below descriptions -- or some variation, these are just my off-the-cuff attempts :)


This argument causes FileZilla overwrites any existing

file without prompting (for automated and script use).


This argument causes FileZilla to close after the

upload is complete (for automated and script use).

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