Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (442 - 444 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#444 Ambiguous wording in install startup option anonymous

This one should be easy to fix (as long as someone actually knows what this option does:) The ambiguous text is:

"Do not install as service, started automatically (not recommended)"

This is found in the FileZilla_Server_0_8_6.exe setup:

Startup Settings

Select startup behaviour for FileZilla Server

Please choose how FileZilla Server should be started:

"Do not install as service, started automatically (not recommended)" (3rd option)

It's ambiguous because it leaves you wondering whether it will be started automatically or not.

I recommend changing to:

"Do not install as service and do not start automatically. (not recommended)"

as long as that is indeed what that option means.

#445 downloads to local UNC paths don't work correctly profquatermass

Filezilla V2.2 doesn't download to the correct place when I specify a UNC path as the path where I keep my local copy of the files I use on my Internet web site.

The correct path is shown in the 'local site' field though, see example.

Alleuus\publicweb\weretell-live\ecssystem\webs\ecs- tech\htdocs\

But when I download a file to the current local directory by right clicking on a remote file and choosing the download option, the file downloads into:

d:\Alleuus\publicweb\weretell-live\ecssystem\webs\ecs- tech\htdocs\

The local tree view though *is* however looking at the UNC path location so the downloaded file is never displayed.


Could some clever person fix this? :-)

#446 FileZilla Server LIST <file> is treated as a dir anonymous

When a LIST request is sent with a file as a target, the server responds with:

Server error: tcp 550 Directory not found

LISTing a directory works as expected. I have confirmed by looking in the client ftp handler code that the client indeed sends a LIST.

If I am right, FileZilla Server is trying to follow RFC 959:

which contains:


This command causes a list to be sent from the server to the passive DTP. If the pathname specifies a directory or other group of files, the server should transfer a list of files in the specified directory. If the pathname specifies a file then the server should send current information on the file.

That looks like FileZilla Server is at fault here.



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