Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (439 - 441 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#441 filezilla hogs user registry size anonymous

I recently wanted to transfer a filestructure that contained thousands of small files.

I believe filezilla failed to do that and I changed to flashfxp that correctly did this.

This bug has allready been posted, but I want to post another bug.

Also recently, whenever I logged my user account off, windows would fail to unload it after 60 seconds.

To repair it I wanted to dump my registry and create a new account. However, dumping also gave me an error. Part of the registry was dumped and it failed after the filezilla part. it was dumping the complete queue I was transferring a few weeks ago (covered 80% of what it had dumped)

Now I deleted the complete filezilla sub-hive and the computer started to do a lot of work. After doing this the problems were completely solved and now my account unloads within 5 secs.

#442 Huge Bug: Creating DIRs Tim Kosse anonymous


There seems to be a huge Bug in 2.2 (or is it a bug in Windows?):

If I connect to a FileZilla Server 0.8.5 using FileZilla Client 2.2 I can create a directory on the server called "This is a testdir...". On the server the directory is now called "This is a testdir.." (with only two dots) and it cannot be renamed or deleted! You can't change into that directory with FileZilla Client and you also can't delete it using the client.

You now have an undeleteable directory on the server. Perfect for script kiddies.

Is there a bugfix/workaround for this behavior?

#443 SFTP ASCII Mode dont work in Solaris server(Linux work) ervilla

Hello! (sorry , my poor english) When using "SFTP using SSH2" to transfer an ascii text file to our Unix Solaris(5.9) server the file ends up with M at the end of every line. The file was created in a windows 98 machine. In ours Linux Servers works. Using comercial program 'SSH Secure Shell' works and the files are correct but we want use Filezilla for Open Source The ascii mode is not implement in Sftp? This a failure. Thanks from Spain.

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