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Results (433 - 435 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#439 passive mode problems anonymous

I have Filezilla server(0.8.5 beta ) set up behind my router. I'm forwarding a block of ports to it and I have Filezilla server set up to use those ports in passive mode.

When I try to connect with Filezilla client (2.1.9), I can connect, but the connection hangs on the "LIST" command. The PASV command returns a valid IP address and port combination (one of the ports I have forwarded).

If I telnet to the port indicated by the PASV command, I get the directory listing.

If I use WS_Ftp (or even IE 6 in pasv mode) I can get a directory listing just fine. LeechFTP however, hangs on LIST as well.

hanfeitzu a_t hotmail d o t co m

#440 User Group changes when clicked on in User Accounts dialog anonymous

Each time you click on a user's name in the User Accounts Dialog is changes user to the next group. If you click again, it moves to next, etc.

This can cause incorrect permissions for accounts.

#441 filezilla hogs user registry size anonymous

I recently wanted to transfer a filestructure that contained thousands of small files.

I believe filezilla failed to do that and I changed to flashfxp that correctly did this.

This bug has allready been posted, but I want to post another bug.

Also recently, whenever I logged my user account off, windows would fail to unload it after 60 seconds.

To repair it I wanted to dump my registry and create a new account. However, dumping also gave me an error. Part of the registry was dumped and it failed after the filezilla part. it was dumping the complete queue I was transferring a few weeks ago (covered 80% of what it had dumped)

Now I deleted the complete filezilla sub-hive and the computer started to do a lot of work. After doing this the problems were completely solved and now my account unloads within 5 secs.

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