Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (433 - 435 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7795 fixed wrong server save for files in queue.sqlite3 Tommy Wu

In 3.5.1 (I don't test the old version).

step 1: launch filezilla, connect to server A, add file A1 to queue. step 2: connect to server B, add file B1 to queue. step 3: quit filezilla, use tool to view the data in queue.sqlite3, there's 2 records in servers table (A and B), but in the files table, both 2 records' server field is A (should be one for A and one for B)

#8268 fixed filezilla.svg not included in the source tarball Tommy Wu

src/interface/resources/filezilla.svg not included in the source tarball for 3.6.0-beta1

#8280 fixed remove ssize_t define in tlssocket.h Tommy Wu

ssize_t was re-defined in tlssocket.h it defined to long here, but it might be different type in different system...

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