Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (424 - 426 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1553 remember most view settings Tim Kosse starless

I think FileZilla should also remember other settings, besides the window size. For example, it could remember the size of the "frames", I mean, the local and remote file list areas... I always drag the separator to the left because I don't need all that space for the local file list, I prefer seeing the remote file permissions. And also list sort prefs should be remembered, maybe even on a single server scale, I mean... each configured FTP server might have its own sorting prefs.

And so on.

Keep up the good work, guys!

#2818 remember local/remote matching Tim Kosse eugbonifacio

It could be a very fantastic feature to let filezilla remember the local/remote file matching when uploading. So if you simply double-click the local file it would be uploaded in the last remembered remote folder, without having to search for that in the remote panel, that is very chore and repetitive.

#2209 remember column width i-labor
  • remembering/saving the column width (filename,

filesize, date, time, local filename - everything) on exit would be good!

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