Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (424 - 426 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#429 Documentation addition anonymous

More like a request Please include in the compilation documentation page that you need to move the platform sdk include folder to the top, or some dumb coder (like me) might get frustrated, why FileZilla doesnt compile =]

#430 doesn't create empty folders Tim Kosse komplike

In my web server, i have several folders containing image files. Some of the folders are empty, but have to be created before even they are empty, for my PERL script to check them. When i try to upload the main folder containing those folders, FileZilla doesn't create empty ones. It only creates the folders that have files in. In my opinion, it should create the folders whether they are empty or not...

#431 Message log scrolls incorrectly anonymous

I'm using FileZilla version 2.1.9a and there's an issue with the Message Log window where it will scroll to the beginning of the log, then back to the bottom for the first hundred lines, then stay at the top at every line past.

Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.