Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (424 - 426 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12073 rejected Add SFTP protocol option to use sudo on login Reto4

Sorry to say, but this is kind of a killer feature of WinSCP. On the other hand, it only understands putty private keys...

#12072 duplicate cannot move / drag to subfolders carollee

since update this morning I cannot move/drag files from one folder to a subfolder. file is there, I can transfer to my computer and back, but cannot drag to a subfolder - tells me "no such file or directory" but it is clearly there and I have done it for years.

#12071 duplicate moving files on server results in "no such file or directory" gongtom

When moving a file from one directory to another on any server I try results in an error.: Befehl: mv "FG10_PK_mGS_mNW_20191231_20191216065624.xml" "/home/tri-sftpuser/files/htdocs/datenhandling/uploads/FG10_PK_mGS_mNW_20191231_20191216065624.xml" Fehler: mv FG10_PK_mGS_mNW_20191231_20191216065624.xml /home/tri-sftpuser/files/htdocs/datenhandling/uploads/FG10_PK_mGS_mNW_20191231_20191216065624.xml: no such file or directory

The same command works fine in the previous version of FileZille I am still using.

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