Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (421 - 423 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2695 remember window size and server(Site manager) Alexander Schuch lovelsh

i have a 20~30 server list ..

  1. every time resize the site manager .. to see all list

if file zilla remember window size(site manager) then more useful ..

  1. remember last connected server and then focus it

(when open site manager) (it's not useful .. every time focus on "My Sites")

thank you

#1551 remember window position Tim Kosse anonymous

It would really be great if we dont have to resize the window everytime Filezilla is executed. If the window posiiton is maximised, it'd be better if it stays that way on the next execution jus like Internet Explorer.

#1845 remember the folder entered anonymous

In a directory in which many subfolders exist, it's really boring to search or browse folder by folder, because every time we leave a subfolder to the upper directory, filezilla jump to the beggining of the upper directory, and we have to scroll and search the folder we have just entered in order to browse the folder next to it. If filezilla could remember the folder and scroll automatically to the folder when back to upper directory, it would be a useful feature.

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