Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2147 fixed FileZilla Server - Display transfered filenames mcroteau

I just installed the server and was surprised not to see filenames appear in the ftp window after a transfer occured.

I get the number of bytes, the time it took and the transfer rate, but not the name of the file that was transfered.

Could this feature be added ?

I'm currently using slimftpd and am thinking at moving to FileZilla server, but I miss this feature.


#2148 fixed Enhancement to logging Tim Kosse jly8852

I would like to see the the logging feature enhanced to include the following information upon the successful completion of an upload or download: date/time stamp at completion, file name transferred, the total number of bytes, the time it took and the transfer rate. In a corporate environment, this information in invaluable when you are asked to prove that an upload was completed successfully.

#2159 fixed Tabbed instances dnatsol

Maybe I'm not fully aware of the intricacies of FileZilla but it appears that when you log on to a site to download (for example) you need to open another instance of FZ to head to another site (I'm a heavy pipe user :)) It would be great if you could implement a tabbing feature so only one instance of FZ needs to be open but I can log into multiple different ftp's simultaneously. My screen gets somewhat cluttered and it is not always clear what site I'm looking at when I expand the instances from the tray.

thanks Mike Smith

P.S. Love the SW. Been a user since version 2

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