Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#671 windows silent uninstall asks about deleting reg keys anonymous

when running a silent uninstall

"C:\Program Files\FileZilla\uninstall.exe" /S

a dialog is displayed asking about deleting registry keys. should this not be silent too?

installed using FileZilla_2_2_7b_setup.exe /S

i know there is no need for uninstall prior to upgrading in current releases, but that may change.

cheers ken@…

#2057 windows networking support kaaspertje

It would be nice if the client side file browser of FileZilla Client had support for MS Windows Networking like WS_FTP PRO.



#5641 wontfix windows explorer cannot upload some files with special name Lu Wei

Uploading file "306待产包.jpg" to filezilla server fails with windows explorer, but successes with filezilla client. Not all chinese named files fails, but occurs rather frequently. Seems a character handling related bug.

the full error log:

(000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - (not logged in) (> Connected, sending welcome message... (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - (not logged in) (> 220 FileZilla Server version 0.9.37 beta written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@…) Please visit http://sourceforge. (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - (not logged in) (> USER me (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for me (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - (not logged in) (> PASS (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 230 Logged on (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> opts utf8 on (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 200 UTF8 mode enabled (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> PWD (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 257 "/" is current directory. (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> CWD /incoming/ (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 250 CWD successful. "/incoming" is current directory. (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> noop (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 200 OK (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> CWD /incoming/ (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 250 CWD successful. "/incoming" is current directory. (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> TYPE A (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 200 Type set to A (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> PASV (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,6,66) (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> LIST (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 150 Connection accepted (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 226 Transfer OK (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> noop (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 200 OK (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> CWD /incoming/ (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 250 CWD successful. "/incoming" is current directory. (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> TYPE I (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 200 Type set to I (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> PASV (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,6,68) (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> STOR 306待产?jpg (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 150 Connection accepted (000019)2010-10-19 12:54:08 - me (> 550 can't access file.

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