Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (412 - 414 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4197 outdated Resume File Upload Ver. 3.2.0 Not Working druzick

I'm trying to upload a 700MB file to my web site. The connection inevitably interrupts before the entire file is uploaded. When I try to upload again, I get a screen from FileZilla asking me to select from several options - i.e. overwite, skip, resume, etc. I select resume and it attempts to resume the upload, but it doesn't work. The upload status bar appears and a few bytes transfer and then it resets and tries again. It does this at least 10 times before stopping. It never makes any progress.

The resume works with other FTP programs, but for some reason FileZilla uploads 10 times faster than all other programs. I wish I could use it, but it just won't work.

#1183 Start menu items not in all users ugob

When we install filezila 2.2.x, the start menu items go into the user's profile, instead of in all users.

Therefore, if I install the application as "Administrator", when the user logs in, there is no way the user can start the application without going manually into C:\program files\filezilla.

#4931 rejected cannot go up in the a directory Ufuk Eskici

I cannot go to previous directory when I click

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