Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (409 - 411 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#414 Bug in assigning default programs anonymous

I think I have found a bug in the Options dialog. When trying to assign a default program to open files, unless I click the <Ok> button for every entry nothing is saved. This requires me to reopen the Options for every program I want to assign.

Thanks dorlands@…

#415 Conflict with Zone Labs IMSecure/ImSecure Pro anonymous

On a system with IMSecure or IMSecure Pro loaded, FileZilla will not connect out even in passive mode unless libeay32.dll is renamed to a different file extension.

#416 Filezilla Server Active Mode is not RFC compliant anonymous


A customer called me because he had problems using active FTP through his firewall. I checked a bit and I remarked that many other FTP servers were doing well with active FTP through his firewall (checkpoint). The difference is that the server that are working ok are RFC 959 compliant. It looks like Filezilla server is not compliant (because of time, I could only make very few testings) because when the FTP- DATA connexion is set up from the server to the client, the source port should be 20 (actually "listening port - 1", according to the RFC). It looks like filezilla sets the a random source port > 1023. Stateful firewalls (at least checkpoint) doesnt take in consideration this connexion as a part of an existing one and the drops the data connexion.

Extract of the RFC :

The user-DTP must "listen" on the specified data port; this may be the default user port (U) or a port specified in the PORT command. The server shall initiate the data connection from his own default data port (L-1) using the specified user data port.

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